Get a glass and hold it up to a light source. You can tell it is crystal if it creates a rainbow prism effect; if it doesn’t, you are holding just plain glass. It is crystal if you tap the glass and hear a musical ring with a little echo.
The process of making wine glasses, whether soda-lime or crystal, is the same, and they differ in composition, leading to further distinction in the outcome. Typically, glasses are made from silica sand, soda, and lime ash. If at least 24% lead oxide is added to the mixture, this would create lead glass or “crystal.”
What is crystal glass exactly?
If you’re unsure how to differentiate between crystal and glass, we’ve put together a 10-point checklist on how to quickly and easily identify crystal glassware.
1. Listen to the sound of glass
Next time you give the glass a few delicate dings to raise everyone’s attention for a toast, listen for an enduring sound. So-da lime glass makes a clunking noise, while crystal sounds like a reverberated ringing.
2. Observe the edges and smoothness of the glass
With a close eye, observe the edge and smoothness of the glass. The smoother it is, the more likely it’s crystal ware. Meanwhile, the crystal also has a narrower rim than the rims of regular glass.
3. Put the glass in the light or in the sun
You can also observe it by looking under light or outside under the sun. Crystal refraction divides light on the spectrum much like a Prisma.
4. Different weight
A crystal glass will feel heavier in weight when contrasted against the weight of glass around the same size—usually, the Crystal Glass is typically required to be made very thin.
5. Thickness
Some crystal wine glasses don’t have designs, so how do you tell if it is indeed crystal? Take a wine glass and examine its thickness. It is just regular glass if you feel it is pretty thick and made for durability. A crystal wine glass tends to be thinner because the presence of lead in the mixture makes it possible to heat it at a lower temperature to get a more satisfactory result. Also, regular wine glasses have a thicker rim called the lip, whereas crystal wine glasses mostly don’t have a lip because of their thinness.
6. Appearance
Standard wine glasses may be transparent at first glance, but when you put them beside a crystal wine glass, you notice that they have a more opaque appearance. Because of the lead content of the crystal wine glasses, they can refract light, making them shine more like natural crystals. Crystal with over 35% lead content tends to sparkle more. And for more interesting hidden features, try holding up a wine glass in the light. If you see a prism with rainbow colors, it is crystal; if not, it’s just plain glass.
7. Transparency
One advantage of crystal wine glasses over regular wine glasses is their clarity. Crystal glasses are much more transparent than standard glasses, so they better display the wine’s true colors. Normal glasses tend to be cloudy even when holding them to the light. Crystal has a more reflective quality which is why it is mainly used in chandeliers and jewelry.
8. Colors
If you have already tried holding up the wine glasses in the light and are still unsatisfied with it, use a pocket UV light to see if the wine glasses give colors. If your blue to a purple hue, then it is crystal. But, if you see a green tint, it is likely soda-lime glass.
9. Texture
Feel the surface of the wine glass. Try to compare a crystal glass with a regular glass. Crystal glasses have a smoother feel because they are more polished and rounded, whereas regular glasses have a sharp cut and rough texture.
10. Price
If you go shopping for wine glasses and if they are more expensive than most wine glasses, chances are they are actual crystal glasses.
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